
Making creative stuff happen!

This is me during my last visit to Mexico City.

This is me during my last visit to Mexico City.

Miriam enjoys finding fantastic media and entertainment projects and sharing them with the world. She has more than nine years of experience working with different industry leaders and communities within the creative sector. She has collaborated closely with diverse media makers, storytellers, musicians, and creative thinkers. She specializes in connecting creative people with their audiences and is interested in digging deep into projects that lead to more questions than answers. Furthermore,  she is certain than telling meaningful stories is the most natural way to generate meaning and engagement. 

In film, she has developed marketing, distribution and exhibition campaigns for award-winning films including Parasite, Portrait of a Lady on Fire, and Midnight Family. She has participated in the programming departments for different festivals including Tribeca; the Hamptons International Film Festival, DOC NYC and Human Rights Watch. She has been participated as a jury and was selected to participate in the Locarno International Industry Academy Workshop. Additionally, she developed and executed impact and outreach campaigns for documentary films that cover social justice issues and human rights. 

Regarding writing and research, she is a frequent collaborator for the site The Creative Independent, where she publishes interviews with creative people from across diverse disciplines. You can read her interviews here.  Miriam was also the Research Assistant for the book This Could be Our Future by Yancey Strickler, former CEO and co-founder of Kickstarter. You can find her in the acknowledgments! 

Working with artists and musicians is one of Miriam’s biggest passions. She co-produces and manages the artists’ relations for the New Latin Wave festival. Her first full-time job was at the record label Arts & Crafts Mexico, where she worked with musicians like Broken Social Scene, Moby, Interpol, Queens of the Stone Age, Feist, Beach House, and Spoon. In tech, she produced and developed marketing strategies for more than 200 events when she worked at the Made in NY Media Center by IFP.

She has a Master’s Degree in Media, Culture, and Communication from NYU and a Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations. She has lived in Puebla, Mexico City, Manchester, and New York City. Miriam is always reading fiction and non-fiction books, listening and discovering new music (she doesn’t trust the algorithm!), watching films and is a huge fan of the New Yorker cartoons and hopes to win the caption contest one day!

If you want to work with her or say hi visit the contact section or send her an email to mirma.garcia (@) nyu.edu. To read her resume click here. To see what she’s up you can also find her on Instagram and Twitter.   •°˚•°˚•°˚•°˚•°˚•°˚•°°